Administrator of Solid Waste Management Returns to Work
Last week, news surfaced that the administrator of the Solid Waste Management Authority was put on administrative leave while an investigation commenced on missing monies at the government agency. The Ministry of Sustainable Development issued a press release informing that it was in the process of investigating what appeared to be missing funds from the office. The suspicion then was that the funds had been mismanaged. When the Prime Minister touched on the matter, he said that the police would be involved at some point and that if there was any wrongdoing identified, there would likely be a court case. It’s been more than a week since then, and today we asked the Minister of Sustainable Development, Orlando Habet for an update.

Orlando Habet
Orlando Habet, Minister of Environment
“It is something that has already gone to an investigation through the Office of the Attorney General. She has been asked to make a report and respond to a letter that was submitted to her. She was placed on five days administrative leave, and she has –“
Marion Ali
“That’s already gone?”
Orlando Habet
“Yes, yes. I think yesterday. And then she has another four or five days to respond. That is as much as I can say to that, because we don’t want to prejudice whatever she will write or what we will be able to do because the investigation has to continue.”
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