A Significant Milestone in Belize’s Labor Landscape
Present at this morning’s signing event were Labor Commissioner Rissela Dominguez-Pott and C.E.O. Kim Aikman of the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Rissela Dominguez-Patt
Rissela Dominguez-Patt, Labor Commissioner
“In 2015, the International Labor Organization launched the decent work agenda to help achieve goal eight of the new 2030 agenda for sustainable development, aiming to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The Belize Decent Work Country Program for 2024/2029, sets out the common commitments of the Government of Belize, workers and employers organizations, and the International Labor Organization to promote decent work. This program reaffirms the commitment of all partners to ensure that decent work is at the heart of nation’s development in Belize.”

Kim Aikman
Kim Aikman, CEO, Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry
“This moment marks a significant milestone in our continued commitment to fostering a work environment that upholds the highest standards of fairness, inclusivity and productivity. The B.C.C.I. reiterates its steadfast commitment to the tripartite process and the invaluable practice of social dialogue. Our engagement in this process is not merely a duty, but we see it as a privilege, as we recognize that we have a symbiotic relationship to be shared among the tripartite constituents: employers, workers and government.”
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