A Call for Law Enforcement Against Negligent Burning Practices
NEMO representatives and Area Representative Oscar Requena were also asked about growing concerns over the use of slash and burn practices by farmers. One reporter questioned what will be done by authorities to penalize farmers who act with a degree of negligence. NEMO says its priority is to first put out fires and provide aid for those affected. Requena says, it is time for farmers to revisit the issue of burning.
“Not to point fingers at anybody but the reality in Toledo is that some of these fires are caused by humans, negligence, is the organization doing anything to find out who are these individuals and what will be done to avoid this from happening again?”

Kenton Parham
Kenton Parham, Toledo Coordinator, NEMO
“At this stage our priority is trying to contain and suppress the fire and look at the impact to farmers. If an agency wants to pick that up later on they might. I don’t know if that is something that might be very difficult to pinpoint on who but our focus is on suppressing the fires and getting aid to the affected population as quickly as possible after the assessments are done.”

Oscar Requena
Oscar Requena, Area Representative, Toledo West
“I am aware that there have been instances where it is actually people going in and lighting. What has to be done, and I agree with Mr. Parham, at this point the focus is on trying to contain the fires, trying to be as supportive to the community out there but we cannot overlook that side of the equation in that as community members we have to be more responsible in how we deal with fires. There are clear regulations in terms of what farmers must do when they go and light a fire. They have to create a fire pass. They have to ensure they inform the Ministry of Agriculture. They have to pick certain time to light the fire. They have to make sure they have enough help in order to contain the fire in the event it escapes. But really what has happened, to be honest, we have not seen enforcement of the regulations. I think the time has come for us as farmers, I am a farmer myself and I don’t burn, for years, I have over fifteen years of not burning and I think it is time for us as farmers to revisit the whole issue of burning.”
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