HomeLatest NewsWhat is Barrow’s Future in the U.D.P.?

What is Barrow’s Future in the U.D.P.?

What is Barrow’s Future in the U.D.P.?

What about Moses “Shyne” Barrow’s future in the U.D.P.? Will the party welcome him back? We asked Panton for her thoughts on this.


Paul Lopez

“Will an olive branch be offered to Mr. Barrow to play a role in the party moving forward any at all?”


Tracy Taegar-Panton, Party Leader, U.D.P.

“That is not a matter for Tracy Panton. It is a matter for Shyne Barrow. It is a matter for the people of Mesop. It is not a matter for Tracy Panton. Healing will take time and we are not going to make any harsh or hard and fast decisions. We are going to allow the time that it takes to do the steps we must take to solidify this team and the U.D.P. moving forward.”



“I know it is your prerogative, but is there any room for Mr. Faber and Saldivar in the Senate perhaps?”


Tracy Taegar-Panton

“I will announce the Senate appointments at the appropriate times.”



“The party headquarters, any likelihood given what has happened so far that you will get to go back?”


Tracy Taegar-Panton

“It is a matter for the court at this point. There was a temporary injunction period to our former party leader and until that matter is cleared up in court then we respect the decision of the court in that respect.”



“You never harbored any ill will towards those who supported Mr. Barrow. Despite everything that happened there was a rallying behind you today.”


Tracy Taegar-Panton

There could be no ill will, the people in the various constituencies determined who they want their standard bearers to be. I respect the people. This U.D.P. under my leadership will be people centered.”

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