HomeLatest NewsOfficer’s Gun Revoked due to “Carelessness”

Officer’s Gun Revoked due to “Carelessness”

Chester Williams

Officer’s Gun Revoked due to “Carelessness”

Recently, a police inspector’s gun was confiscated after it was found in a car with a minor and two other people while he wasn’t in the vehicle. No charges were filed against the officer or the passengers. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams explained that the officer simply forgot to take the gun out of the car before leaving. Here’s Williams with more details.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“We have found guns  in vehicles before and the gun being licensed. Let me,  finish, please.  The gun being licensed to somebody and the people were not charged. Hyde was in the vehicle.  He forget his gun in the vehicle. He’s a licensed holder. The police found the three people in the vehicle with the gun that Hyde forgot in the vehicle. It would, it would not be a crime.  It will be tantamount to malicious prosecution  had those persons been prosecuted.”



“Sir, that’s joint enterprise.”


Chester Willaims

“No, no, no. It would have been joint enterprise if they had took the gun to the vehicle without Hyde’s permission.”



“But that means because you’re accepting the story of the inspector in question then,”


Chester Williams

“Mr. Vasquez,  I have no reason not to accept it. If you have some other reason that is on you, at the end of the day Sir,”



“You are protecting.”


Chester Williams

“At the end of the day, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. You will say what you want to say.  But, at the end of the day, I don’t act based on gossip.  I act based on facts.  There are going to be those people who, for their own aggrandizement, are going to feed you what they know you. I want to hear. I have no issue with that. That is between you and them.  I have explained to you, I have answered your question and I am done with that issue.”



But sir, in a normal circumstance,  a person would be charged, no matter who the gun fell under,”


Chester Williams

“No. We have found a gun in the vehicle in Belama, belonging to a person who had license and he forgot the gun in the vehicle and we did not charge the people. That happened many times before.”



“Should, well, if your inspector is so careless with his firearm, should he retain that license?”


Chester Williams

“And the gun is being held, and I said to him he’s not going to get it back because we will write the board to ask that it be revoked. Because certainly there’s an issue of carelessness there.”


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