Mother Questions Hospital’s Care After Son’s Mysterious Death Following Fall
The body of 33-year-old Elton Rhaburn was discovered near the Bel China Bridge on Saturday morning. His mother described him as a quiet and loving son, stating, “He was the quietest of my three sons, always so loving toward me.” She added that Rhaburn was about to finish his studies at the University of Belize.
Rhaburn’s mother told News 5 that he had fallen from his second-floor veranda the previous evening. “The way how he fell, I know that it wasn’t that he threw himself,” she said.
Rhaburn visited the hospital following the fall and was complaining of a sharp pain in the back of his head. His mother said that during his hospital visit, he became visibly agitated. She requested that the medical staff restrain him by strapping him down while being treated. Despite his condition, Rhaburn insisted on leaving. He eventually removed his IV drip and walked out of the hospital.
“Everybody just came in and looking that he’s walking out and said they can’t do anything,” his mother said.
The following morning, Rhaburn’s body was found near the Bel China Bridge around 8:30 a.m. Police later contacted his mother to identify the body. “The police officer didn’t know my son; they picked him up as a John Doe,” she said.
KHMH CEO Chandra Nisbet Cansino said she was not aware of Rhaburn’s case. She told reporters, “We do have patients that come in and self-discharge—that’s within their right as human beings and as patients to do that.” Cansino added, “I would assume that’s what happened in this case, but I don’t have any details on that particular case.”
Rhaburn’s mother said that the hospital did not do enough for her son. “They hurt me very bad. KHMH hurt me very bad, they took away my son.” She explained that the medical personnel could have done more of her son; she added, “The medical team saw his elevated blood pressure and still didn’t give him the necessary medication. They ignored my request to restrain him. If they had done their part, I might still have my son today.”
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