20 New World Screwworm Cases Confirmed in Belize
The Belize Wildlife & Referral Clinic has issued a warning about the growing New World Screwworm threat in southern Belize. In a recent social media post, they urged the public to “#Check your animals for wounds every day. #Leave no wound untreated. #Report ANY suspicious wounds with maggots IMMEDIATELY to BAHA.” The clinic added it is important to note that “this fly larva develops fast (~7 days in wound) and is very small at first.”
The clinic’s warning stems from the Ministry of Agriculture’s 20 confirmed cases of the parasite, first detected on December 26 in Toledo District. Despite efforts to contain the outbreak, 19 more cases have surfaced this year. This is including the first dog infection in January.
In an interview with Minister Jose Abelardo Mai in January, he stated that a team was immediately deployed to monitor the Crique Sarco village and San Pedro Columbia Village in the Toledo District, where the first few cases appeared to be spreading. Despite these efforts, including a nationwide public awareness campaign, the number of cases continues to climb.
The Belize Wildlife & Referral Clinic advised immediate reporting of suspicious wounds to BAHA. The ministry has also urged the public to report any suspected cases.
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