Belize City Couple Back Behind Bars Over Kept Ammunition Charge
Tonight, forty-five-year-old Deborah Sutherland and her twenty-year-old boyfriend, Dejon Medwood, are back behind bars. The couple was allegedly found with thirty-four bullets hidden in their home. Medwood initially pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping ammunition without a gun license, while Sutherland pleaded not guilty. This morning, both returned to court, represented by attorney Orson “OJ” Elrington. Medwood changed his plea to not guilty after seeking a sentencing indication. The Senior Magistrate informed him that he faced a prison term of three and a half years. Attorney Elrington argued for a non-custodial sentence since Medwood is a first-time offender. With the sentencing indication rejected, both Medwood and Sutherland were remanded to the Belize Central Prison until June 4th. Elrington has begun the bail application process for both, which could be heard as early as next Friday.
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