HomeLatest NewsP.D.M. Candidates Will Run in 3 Belize City Areas and 1 Rural

P.D.M. Candidates Will Run in 3 Belize City Areas and 1 Rural

P.D.M. Candidates Will Run in 3 Belize City Areas and 1 Rural

P.D.M. Leader Estevan Perrera is running in Belize Rural Central, while the party is fielding Cornelius Galvez in Albert, Garry Matus in Queen Square, and Wilmore Tablada in Port Loyola. Perrera chose Belize Rural Central because he believes the area needs better streets, roads, and other infrastructure. The three Belize City candidates also shared their thoughts on areas they think need improvement.


Cornelius Galvez

                Cornelius Galvez

Cornelius Galvez, Albert Standard Bearer, People’s Democratic Movement

“I believe that we can do better than what is going on right now. I introduced Social Security to the Belize people and Belizeans. And today, people can hardly get what they need from Social Security. Now, if I go to Social Security, they will tell me I too old, but anybody who gets a job, young, they can get social security. If a person reaches sixty, he cannot pay anymore. But the thing is this:  I am still living, so why should it cut from me?  If I want to pay social security for the rest of my life, that’s my prerogative. That should not be on the government to stop me from paying my security. When I stop pay or if I can’t pay, or if I get out, it will be there for somebody. Somebody will use it. So what is the use of having Social Security if you cannot get what you want from Social Security?”


Garry Matus

                        Garry Matus

Garry Matus, Queen Square Standard Bearer, People’s Democratic Movement

“I see a lot of things in this country not done correctly and that is enough. I get tired of most corruption in this country, in Belize City. Both the politician, P.U.P. and the U.D.P. I sell tamales and ducunu. We meet a lotta police on Albert Street, lazy, never patrol up the street. They stay down by the Indian di drink a Coke and pack a biscuit. Sometimes people need help and the police never come through. That is a limit in Queen Square Market in Belize City there’s a lot of contraband. Belize has to stop this. We need to sign this UNCAC one time.”


Wilmore Tablada

              Wilmore Tablada

Wilmore Tablada, Port Loyola Standard Bearer, People’s Democratic Movement

“A lot of people in my area, in Port Loyola are suffering. Mr. Usher said he di give weh land, but I don’t see how, because people rent apartments in the neighborhood. Sometimes they come beg me for these small money to pay to rent because they don’t have no land or nothing. And the next thing weh dehn like do, dehn give the rich people the good land, and they give the poor people the land that they have to fill out. And the people can’t afford to fill it, so what do you think they do? They sell it. So, what the government should do is just try to help the poor people live better, because they can’t.”

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