HomeBreaking NewsUDP’s Phillip Willoughby Envisions ‘Streets of Gold’ in Port Loyola

UDP’s Phillip Willoughby Envisions ‘Streets of Gold’ in Port Loyola

UDP's Phillip Willoughby Envisions 'Streets of Gold' in Port Loyola

UDP’s Phillip Willoughby Envisions ‘Streets of Gold’ in Port Loyola

Phillip Willoughby, the United Democratic Party (UDP) candidate for Port Loyola under the leadership of Tracy Taegar-Panton, shared deep concerns about his constituency’s struggles under current leadership. According to Willoughby, he “sees people suffering in inhumane conditions” in Port Loyola.

Willoughby says he plans to transform the area if he wins. “If I am the area representative—and I knew that my mother lived on the street, I would have probably fixed the street by now. It would have been the street of gold, like in the Wizard of Oz.”

He criticised the sitting area representative, Gilroy Usher of the People’s United Party. He stated, “My heart cries and grieves for the kids who have to walk in the conditions that I have shown you. My heart cries and grieves for the senior citizens who have underlying conditions that they have to battle with every day.”

Last week, Usher defended his record on road improvement. He said he’s made significant improvements in housing and several streets.

Willoughby also criticised the economy under the Briceño Administration. He said, “The economy that Mr. Briceño speaks of—the strength of that economy—is not being felt in Port.”

He confidently added, “I am the best choice for the people of Port Loyola. It is simple as that. I am the best choice.” He added that his “fervent hope” is that “the people of Port Loyola will give me the opportunity to serve them, to work for them, to deliver for them.”

Willoughby is set to challenge incumbent Usher Sr. and Dr. Nelma Jones of the UDP under Moses “Shyne” Barrow’s leadership. Anthony “Boots” Martinez is also coming for the constituency as a UDP candidate, though he’s going at it alone without backing from Tracy Panton or Moses “Shyne” Barrow.

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