SSB Continues COVID-19 Sickness Benefits
Questions still remain about ongoing support for those affected by COVID-19 by the Social Security Board (SSB). Today, News 5 reached out to Dr. Leroy Almendarz, CEO of the SSB, to find out if the board has ceased providing sickness benefits for persons who have contracted COVID-19.
Almendarez said that despite a sharp decline in cases since 2020, COVID-19-related claims continue to be processed, alongside a growing number of claims for other serious health conditions such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. “Because even though there has been a decline, it has not gone to zero, he stated.
He said that it is the board’s responsibility to ensure that benefits are paid out where they are deserved. “It’s not that we have stopped. Every claim is assessed because, at the end of the day, we have a responsibility to make sure that whatever monies are paid out are because they should be paid out,” Almendarez added.
Dr. Almendarz explained that the World Health Organization (WHO) determines what qualifies as an illness based on factors like prevalence and consistency, rather than isolated cases. He added that conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and various forms of cancer have become increasingly prevalent, with many individuals seeking assistance for these health issues.
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