Cattle Landing Residents Want DIGI Cell Tower Relocated
In the small southern community of Cattle Landing, Toledo District, eighty-eight residents have come together to sign a petition asking Village Council Chairman Waluco Maheia to relocate Digi’s cell tower. Back in December 2024, they wrote a letter to Maheia and sent copies to the Prime Minister, the area representatives for Toledo East and West, the head of Project Management at Digi, and BTL’s Legal and Regulatory Affairs Department. The residents are upset because they feel they were kept in the dark about the tower being set up at the community center. They have several reasons for their petition, starting with the claim that there was no proper consultation or vote among the villagers, especially those living closest to the tower who are most affected.

Waluco Maheia
Waluco Maheia, Chairman, Cattle Landing Village
“BTL, DIGI, reached out to Cattle Landing Village Council and requested to erect a tower, rent a space or a parcel of land to erect a tower within the community to provide better service to Cattle Landing residents, that immediate community and also a broader radius. We reached out to the villagers, hosting a meeting where the erection of the BTL tower was one of the topics. We had a turnout, it was a small turnout from the community. We had about maybe eight or ten participants at that meeting, we still addressed the topic as that is typically the average of our meetings in the past, and we proceeded with the project. It was in October, I believe, [that] the project began and majority of the villagers requested for better service and would benefit from having a cell tower in the village. I must mention, as well, that the village council and the village would also benefit because Digi would be providing rent for the space, a total of five hundred dollars a month, that would be used for maintenance of the village, the immediate community center and the football field.”
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