Business Senator Raises Concern over NHI Amendment
The Senate also addressed the Social Security Amendment Bill, which permits the retroactive appointment of a general manager for the National Health Insurance Scheme and a Chair for the N.H.I. Committee. Business Senator Kevin Herrera voiced concerns about the amendment, highlighting that it shifts more power to the government instead of balancing it with other sectors in the decision-making process.
Kevin Herrera, Senator, Business Sector
“I come to realize within Government that we need a lot of oversight and a lot more oversight than we currently have and I just see what we have here as increasing the power of government and perhaps things that might balance that power we’re almost taking it out or nullifying it to a certain extent. We see here, Madam President, in the same Clause Seventy A-2 that Senator Peyrefitte referred to, says that “the General Manager shall be subject to this Act and any directions by the Minister.” Even though she should be reporting to a board and I would imagine that’s what a board is there for – to oversee the functions of the general manager. Still you have this clause in there where it states that “subject to the directions by the Minister.” It can give the Minister tremendous power over the scheme and this is compounded even so, Madam President, because the government also appoints the Chair of the Board.”
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