Thea Garcia-Ramirez Defeats Elvia Vega-Samos in Corozal Bay
A new standard bearer has been chosen to represent the voters of Corozal Bay. In a hotly contested convention held by the People’s United Party on Sunday, Thea Garcia-Ramirez defeated incumbent area representative Elvia Vega-Samos to become the P.U.P.’s candidate of choice in that constituency. A total of three thousand, twenty-nine voters cast their ballots in the exercise with Garcia-Ramirez, the daughter of C.E.O. Narda Garcia, coming out on top with one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-nine votes. The lead up to yesterday’s event at Saint Francis Xavier R.C. School saw the nominees canvassing the area with their respective supporters and tensions between both camps was often described as simmering.

Thea Garcia-Ramirez
Thea Garcia-Ramirez, P.U.P. Standard Bearer, Corozal Bay
“Conventions have the ability to become very divisive and I just want to say categorically that I don’t take things very personally. I know that passions run high, you know, there’s a lot of, there’s certainly a lot of energy and some of it is not always positive. I am offering my hand and saying that we need everybody to win. We need her camp, we need my camp, we need her machinery, we need my machinery in order to remain blue in Corozal Bay. That is the ultimate goal. So I am endeavoring to send her, in just a bit, an offer, if you will, and extend an invitation, rather, to form part of the new executive, my executive, and to ask her to come onboard. I believe that she does have much to contribute and she is a person with a longstanding career for service. She’s an educator and she’s a psychologist and I believe that as soon as tempers and emotions cool down a bit, you know, cooler heads usually prevail and that we will find a way to work together in harmony because, after all, we both have the same goal at heart. We both have Corozal Bay and Corozal Town and the development of that town at heart.”
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