HomeBreaking NewsOpposition to Boycott Today’s House Sitting 

Opposition to Boycott Today’s House Sitting 

Opposition to Boycott Today's House Sitting 

Opposition to Boycott Today’s House Sitting 

News Five has learned that members of the Opposition are planning to boycott today’s Sitting of the House of Representatives in Belmopan.

News Five has a team in Belmopan and will bring you the latest update.

As we have reported, Opposition Members lodged a formal protest against the scheduled House Sitting for today, citing a deviation from the established protocol of providing five clear days’ notice. In a letter addressed to House Speaker Valerie Woods, the Opposition argued that the failure to follow the five-day notice protocol, as mandated by Standing Order 19(3), disenfranchises the Opposition by obstructing their ability to pose crucial questions to ministers.

In response, Speaker Valerie Woods informed Opposition Leader Moses “Shyne” Barrow that the notice for today’s sitting does not contravene the Standing Orders. Woods explained that the Clerk of the National Assembly was notified by the Cabinet Secretary on Sunday, June 23rd, and the notice was issued on Monday, June 24th, after verifying the Orders of the Day. She acknowledged the concern about notice but maintained that the notice period for this meeting was compliant with the Standing Orders.


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