HomeLatest NewsBelize Ramping up Support for the Equal Opportunities Bill  

Belize Ramping up Support for the Equal Opportunities Bill  

Belize Ramping up Support for the Equal Opportunities Bill  

The Belize Network of N.G.O.’s, B.N.N., has kicked off a new campaign and it’s called Belize Wi Ready. This initiative supports the Equal Opportunities Bill aims to create a leveled playing in Belizean society by introducing protections against discrimination.  B.N.N. hopes that this will afford all Belizeans an equal and fair chance at success. The bill contains twenty-two key points outlined for protection against discrimination. Here’s News Fives Britney Gordon with more details on the endeavor.


Britney Gordon, reporting

Belize is on the verge of change and the Belize Network of NGO’s hopes to be the driving force behind that change. By launching the Wi Ready Campaign, the organization is bolstering its support for the Equal Opportunities Bill. NGO Senator Janelle Chanona explains why this piece of law should be passed.


Janelle Chanona

                             Janelle Chanona

Janelle Chanona, Senator for NGO’s

“The bill in its name describes what it’s trying to do and it’s creating equal opportunities for all. And I think as we just heard, even as specific as the bill is trying to be, twenty-two characteristics, we’re just hearing that, specific to the violence aspects. Maybe it is that we’re looking at gender based violence as a part of specific categories of who the bill is looking at and I think that’s why I like the name the equal opportunities for all because it doesn’t matter then how we are different. It is that the bill is working to address and be inclusive and protect and enshrine the rights that as  We just heard some of the panelists reference that we were led to believe we were born with, but that now we know we have to legislate in order to get to the point that we feel like we have those rights.”


According to Chanona, there are laws that provide certain protections against discrimination; however, Belize does not have comprehensive legislation to address the issue. The Belize Wi Ready Campaign is aimed at creating public awareness and knowledge of the status of the bill. Doctor Elma Kay, chair of the BNN, further explains the campaign.


Dr. Elma Kay

                                Dr. Elma Kay

Dr. Elma Kay, Chair, Belize Network of NGO’s

“And we as the Belize Network of NGOs, we advocate for good governance for sustainable human development. So it is our mandate to look at laws like this that help us advance our human rights agenda and that help us reach our potential, in terms of human development. We can’t have true human development if we still have discrimination rampant in our society. And I think discrimination is something that we can all identify with, either because we’re too young, we’re too old, we’re women, we are, from a different race or a different culture. So discrimination exists in our society and it’s a reality. So this is just saying we are ready for a law that promotes equal opportunities for all and creates a more just society for Belize.”


The bill was originally drafted in 2019 but has since been updated. There are twenty-two points outlined for protection, including gender, HIV status, race, and religious beliefs. Chanona says that the change is long overdue, but the BNN is prepared to put in the work to ensure that every Belizean has the chance to live up to their fullest potential without being hindered by discriminatory practices.




Janelle Chanona

“The name of the campaign speaks to it, it’s that we’re ready for it, and that if we’re ready for it, then we should be working to make sure that legislation takes form and is enacted as soon as possible, because we need to be ready to address, I think as a Belizean it’s really difficult to hear that one of the principal factors underpinning our challenges is stigma and discrimination. And if that doesn’t give all of us pause to see where we can, in our respective roles, address stigma and discrimination, it’s really and truly what we need to be doing as Belizeans for each other.”


Britney Gordon for News Five.

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