HomeCayo DistrictCattle Mortality in Cayo No Longer an Issue

Cattle Mortality in Cayo No Longer an Issue

Cattle Mortality in Cayo No Longer an Issue

A rise in cattle deaths that was initially reported in May is no longer an issue. Today, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Jose Abelardo Mai told News Five that the onset of the hot season had also brought with it other issues for the farm animals. He said that officials from the Belize Agricultural Health Authority, BAHA, and the Agriculture Department visited the farms that were experiencing cattle deaths and gave recommendations. According to Mai, the problem has subsided.


Jose Abelardo Mai

                         Jose Abelardo Mai

Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture & Food Security

“They had made very sound recommendations. I think the problem they have found was normally, The nutrition first and foremost. It was the pig I dry. When animals do not eat well, they get vulnerable. They get compromised, their health get compromised. And so they had I think it was an excess of ticks. Or was it tick fever? I think it was. So the Baha and the Ministry of Agriculture gave recommendations. A few farmers followed it. They did well. Others who did not, they still had some problems. But I think we’ve passed that problem already.”

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