HomeLatest NewsScoops of Hope Fundraiser Needs Your Support  

Scoops of Hope Fundraiser Needs Your Support  

Scoops of Hope Fundraiser Needs Your Support  

This Saturday, Belize Camping Experience and Western Dairies are inviting you to come out and purchase a scoop of ice cream for a worthy cause. The Scoops of Hope initiative is a one-day fundraiser to raise money for the Belize Camping Experience annual summer camps. As the camps are free of cost, the non-profit organization has partnered with Western Dairies to raise funds for this year’s events. Alexander Perez, Director of the Belize Camping Experience explained how this promotion will work.


Alexander Perez

                              Alexander Perez

Alexander Perez, Director, B.C.E.

“We really challenge the corporate world, how they can partner with us. And Western Dairies answered that call. And so what, after many years of working, you know, and challenging different businesses, one of it is that, what if we take a hot day in Belize, right? And you can give a percentage of the ice cream to the kids to Belize. So that we can do the summer camps. So, after long conversations and meetings, they have decided that we’re going to, we call it Scoops of Hope. That for every scoop you buy on June first, which is this Saturday, fifty cents will go towards the kids for the summer camps that are taking place. So if you buy two scoops, that’s one dollar. I would encourage everyone to buy three scoops. And in that way, you can be a part of that vision. To see Belize changing Belize. And so how is going to work is that if you come to the Western dairy branch and you say, let me get a bucket, then I know they want to, I know Belize just want to support because we need community for us to run these programs, but that’s not going to work. It has to be scoops. It has to, it doesn’t count in any other product, but if you say, I will bring my container and put me ten scoops, that is going to work. Or you can get it in a little cup. That’s going to work.”


Anya Claire Preez

                      Anya Claire Preez

Anya Claire Preez, B.C.E. Volunteer

 “It’s an invitation for everyone come out and come to the closest Weston Dairy’s and purchase your ice cream. And every scoop, fifty cents will be donated to Belize camping experience and all the funds will go towards, will help summer camp day camps across Belize and around the area. It’s free camps for all the children, and we do a small camp in the afternoon. And you can bring your own container and get ten scoops or even more and share it with your family.”

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