26 Municipal Candidates Nominated in P.G.
A total of one hundred and sixty-three candidates are vying for the sixty-seven seats that are up for grabs on March sixth for the municipal elections. According to an official report from the Elections and Boundaries Department, both the People’s United Party and the United Democratic Party have full slates across all nine municipalities. The People’s Democratic Movement nominated eleven candidates in Belize City. Eleven independent candidates were nominated on Wednesday and the Belize Progressive Party nominated seven candidates in Punta Gorda. Last night, we brought you coverage of Nomination Day from six of the nine municipalities. Tonight, we continue our Nomination Day coverage, starting with Punta Gorda.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
Punta Gorda is the southernmost municipality in the country. Notwithstanding its geographical location, on March sixth, residents of the town will get an opportunity to decide which of the twenty-six candidates nominated on Wednesday will lead the town council for the next three years. The People’s United Party is fielding seven candidates, led by Carlos “Obeah” Galvez.

Carlos “Obeah” Galvez
Carlos “Obeah” Galvez, P.U.P. Mayoral Candidate, Punta Gorda
“This is a powerful moment, a wonderful feeling. This is the day where you officially become a candidate for your party. this is the moment the day and I am proud to put my name back on the ballot, thanks to the people of PG who came out from day one to support me. This is a proud moment to be a PUP. We have a great history, the peaceful constructive Belizean revolution. This party has a great history. I am proud to be associated, affiliated, and proud to be a member of the People’s United Party.”
The United Democratic Party also nominated seven candidates. UDP faithfuls gathered in front of the nomination station in Punta Gorda to show support for the team of candidates being led by Franklin “Kranka” Polonio.

Franklin “Kranka” Polonio
Franklin “Kranka” Polonio, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Punta Gorda
“First of all I must say that it is a great feeling to see that we have past ministers in the person of Eden Martinez and Joseph Cayetano. We have past chairman also. So, of course we are very untied. The feeling we have is one of joy. We already know what time it is. After this we know it is time to continue going back to houses, listen to people’s cries, hear and continue to serve in whatever capacity we can.”
And, a part from the two major political parties in Punta Gorda, the Belize Progressive Party, a decade-old third party in the municipality, is once again fielding candidates. In spite of the party’s repeated failed attempts to succeed at the polls, on Wednesday, it nominated a municipal slate of seven candidates. Punta Gorda is the only municipality with BPP representation this time around. Their bid is being led by Anita Nicholas

Anita Nicholas
Anita Nicholas, B.P.P. Mayoral Candidate, Punta Gorda
“I can say it is overwhelming. I am overjoyed. This is the day, the day that the lord has made. The day that PG will go down to the history that it always needed, someone with a vision, someone who is intuitive and innovative to make a difference for our town, our town has been underdeveloped for too long. And, it is time that our town gets the change it rightly deserves. That is the reason why I decided to offer myself as the candidate for the Belize Progressive Party in honor and memory of the late Bap Marcel Palma. We continue his legacy.”
Five independent candidates were also nominated on Wednesday in Punta Gorda. Among them is Orlando Muschamp. He contested the Toledo East seat in the 2020 general election as an independent candidate. Muschamp is optimistic that the results at the polls on March sixth will be more favorable for independent candidates.

Orlando Muschamp
Orlando Muschamp, Independent Candidate, Punta Gorda
“It is a great feeling out here and it has been a difficult task to bring along this team, this working team, a team hailing from an election, a contractor, a professional business woman, Antony Gabriel another electrician and myself another business owner. I have my own business and we we want to offer ourselves to our community and the voters of Punta Gorda an opportunity , an option so as for them to see yes we do have the love for this community.”
“What is the feedback like from the people in the town?”
Orlando Muschamp
“The feedback is simple, they are tired of seeing the red and the blue coming with people who are not qualified to do the job. The come, get nominated and that is it. You never see them again, receiving a stipend without filling the spaces to accommodate the people, with the public service we so dearly deserve in this community.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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