$196,000 in Equipment for Traffic Laws Enforcement
The Belize Police Department and the Department of Transport now have better equipment to prevent motor vehicle operators from breaking the law. As we reported, new legislation recently came into effect prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. And, to show how serious they are about road safety, the Belize Road Safety Project handed over thousands of dollars in equipment to both departments to bolster their traffic enforcement efforts. News Five’s Paul Lopez has the story.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
To mitigate the increasing number of road traffic incidents on the nation’s highways, the Second Road Safety Project handed over much-needed equipment to the Department of Transport and the Police Traffic Unit at a ceremony in Belmopan. Minister of Transport Rodwell Ferguson was present at the event.

Rodwell Ferguson
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
“Our responsibility is to try to keep the commuter safe and those who are driving motor vehicles across the country. So, what we received today is just a collaboration between ourselves and the Road Safety Project to make sure we can implement these in our highways. Fortunately, over the Easter I didn’t hear of much accidents. If we can maintain it that way that would be very important. So I am asking now for a collaboration with the police and traffic department to do night patrols. To mitigate the amount of drunk driving and those who are driving carelessly at nighttime. So these will complete what we have already. About a year ago we also got a number of other equipment. WE have also passed legislation so that we can use them. So, with this and those we can improve road safety in the country of Belize. So I feel very confident it is going to work.”
Among the items handed over are handcuffs, reflective vests, binoculars, and handheld radios. Zane Castillo, the project manager at the Road Safety Project, explained that the resources will be shared between the police and traffic departments according to their needs.

Zane Castillo
Zane Castillo, Project Manager, Road Safety Project
“The Department of Transport will be receiving handcuffs, raincoats, reflective vests, uniform caps, retractable speed bumps, traffic signs, handheld radios and base chargers for the radios. The police traffic unit will be receiving traffic cones, binoculars and flashlights, and also reflective vest. They both will also be receiving first aid kits. Especially with respect to the Department of Transport, the equipment should be shared among all the branches within the department for them to have better equipment while on the road doing patrols and checkpoints.”
The Road Safety Project functions under the Ministry of Economic Development. CEO of the Ministry, Doctor Osmond Martinez, says the resources are valued at one hundred and ninety-six thousand Belize dollars. He noted that the funds to acquire the equipment were sourced in part from the Caribbean Development Bank.

Osmond Martinez
Dr. Osmond Martinez, C.E.O, Ministry of Economic Development
“We continue to see road accidents. There is also a need to upgrade the enforcement of our constitution and also support the reinforcement of the transport department. The donation that has been handed over today by the Road Safety which is under the Ministry of Economic Development to Transport, which is also to support all the officers, the men and women who work with the transport department. The total value of the donation to the Ministry of Transport is a hundred and ninety-six thousand dollars and is funds that come through the Caribbean Development Bank. There is also a counterpart funding from the government of Belize.”
And both Minister Ferguson and CEO Martinez had a message for motor vehicle operators. With new legislation passed that prohibits the use of cellphones while driving, Minister Ferguson and CEO Martinez emphasized the fact that one life lost as a result of a road traffic incident is one too many.
Rodwell Ferguson
“I want to urge the travelling public that lives really matter because when someone dies it affects the families. So, we are asking you all to make sure there is no drunk driving. We recently passed the cellphone law that you cannot answer your phone while driving. So, I hope the people comply and many time accidents involve drunk driving and cellphone use. So, I hope they get the message and understand clearly what we want to accomplish for them. It is not only for us, but also for all of us.”
Dr. Osmond Martinez
“The loss of one life is too many, therefore it is important for us to be responsible when we are driving on the road. Follow the rules of the transport department also to be responsible and understand that driving a vehicle is similar to having a weapon on you and it is a weapon on you, a weapon that can kill, injure, anyone out there.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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