15-Year-old Aspiring Politician Shines at International Debate Conference
Fifteen-year-old Anthony Leslie from Belize High School has made a name for himself by becoming one of the youngest students to win an award at the Model OAS Conference last month. This event simulates the International Organization of American States conference, where representatives discuss regional issues. Anthony is determined to be a trailblazer and has his sights set on a political career. We caught up with Anthony today to learn more about his exciting experience and his dreams of becoming one of Belize’s great leaders. Here’s News Five’s Britney Gordon with the story.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Fifteen-year-old Anthony Leslie has big dreams of becoming a politician, but even bigger dreams of changing the world. As a sophomore at Belize High School, he’s already thinking about the future of Belize. His passion for politics was sparked a few years ago during a school project simulating an election, where he naturally ran for Prime Minister. Now, Anthony is making waves in international debates, like the Model Organization of American States conference, where his talent for debate truly shines.

Anthony Leslie
Anthony Leslie, MOAS Award Winner
“The conference was held in Washington, D.C., of all places, at the real OAS. Headquarters. So what I loved about that is that you are sitting in the spots that real diplomats were sitting at. So you could really get into the zone there. You could feel as if you’re actually making a difference. And that’s the purpose of the model. OAS, it’s bringing youth together just like me to solve real world issues. And that’s what I hope to see from future youth in Belize. and the Americas as a whole for a better democracy in our world.”
Every year, Belize High School sends a delegation to the conference, with guidance from their teachers and parents. Usually, first-year students aren’t included, as they’re still getting used to high school life. But Anthony was an exception. Selected as a freshman, his teachers saw something special in him—his undeniable passion.

Judy Carillo
Judy Carillo, Teacher, B.H.S.
“ Last year, I was teaching the freshmen, and Anthony was one of those students who told me they’re interested in doing the Model OAS. And one thing that stood out to me about Anthony is that whenever he would address an audience, he naturally has a command of voice. He’s able to project his voice, bring his points across persuasively and passionately. And anytime that he speaks, he always has a strong message for the audience.”
The conference was centered on youth, a topic that greatly concerns Anthony. He became one of the youngest students from his school to receive an award for his exemplary performance during the debate.
Anthony Leslie
Thanks to his impressive performance, Anthony was offered an internship at the OAS organization, giving him the chance to further develop his skills and expand his network. He attributes his success in debate to the unwavering support and encouragement from his school and parents. His father, Antony Leslie, shared that the family has always nurtured Anthony’s academic interests and taught him how to balance his studies with his mental health.

Anthony Leslie
Anthony Leslie, Anthony’s Father
“ You can never be prepared for greatness. It just comes, right? But, we see how studious he is. In Standard six, he was valedictorian, right? He missed out on valedictorian by point zero five, right? So that even drove him to want to accomplish greatness. And do more, right? He’s a perfectionist he’s a perfectionist and we tell him Anthony, you can’t win and come in first all the time But if you work hard enough if you study hard enough If you prepare more than anybody else You could win, I’m coming first, most of the times.”
Anthony says that he will keep dreaming big, for himself and the other trailblazers to come after him. He takes every win as an opportunity to push his country towards further greatness.
Anthony Leslie
“I don’t only feel proud of myself, but I feel proud of my peers. And my parents because II couldn’t have done this without them because all my peers, my advisors, they’re cheering me on. They’re training me. They’re showing me how to do this. And I feel that I can be a catalyst, a catalyst that can change this world.”
Britney Gordon for News Five.
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