HomeLatest NewsOpposition Leader Supports Commerce Bight Development

Opposition Leader Supports Commerce Bight Development

Moses “Shyne” Barrow

Opposition Leader Supports Commerce Bight Development

The Leader of the Opposition has taken what many would consider an unconventional position on the recently announced Commerce Bight development project. He says that the opposition supports the project. It is unusual, because one of the primary investors in the fifty-million-dollar development is Basilio Zabaneh, the cousin of P.U.P. Minister of State, Louis Zabaneh. Barrow says he will not play dirty politics on the issue, because Basilio Zabaneh is fully qualified to take on such a venture.


Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition

“Initially the response from the opposition is to support this project, this development. Commerce Bight has long been something that needed to be developed for the people for Dangriga and unlike the P.U.P., we will not play dirty politics with this because the investor that is investing in this, Mr. Basilio Zabaneh is someone that is extremely qualified to take on this project and deserve this opportunity. Unlike the People’s United Party, whereas because of your last name and political affiliation they will try to derail something that will benefit the Belizean people. We will not like that. Imagine the government will hire the best attorney, which arguably would be Dennis Barrow at the time, went on to be a C.C.J. justice, only Belizean to ever make it to that level and everyone would agree. He and Eamon Courtenay are good friends to that day. And when the government would hire the best lawyer the People’s Untied Party would say no, you are only hiring Dennis Barrow because he is the prime minister’s brother, which was ridiculous and outrageous. And we are not going to venture down that path to say that the only reason Basilio Zabaneh is getting the project is because he is Louis Zabaneh, the minister from Dangriga’s cousin. That should not disqualify someone who is extremely competent, who has a proven track record in the tourism industry with three of the most successful resorts in Belize, from getting the opportunity and support that foreign investors would get. We need to support our national investors as well. and this will be good for the people of Dangriga.”

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