HomeCrimeUkrainian National Charged for Fatal RTA

Ukrainian National Charged for Fatal RTA

Alinna Estell

Ukrainian National Charged for Fatal RTA

Thirty-two-year-old Alinna Estell, a Ukrainian national, was slapped with three traffic offenses, including manslaughter by negligence, causing death by careless conduct and drove motor vehicle without due care and attention, when she appeared before the lower courts today.  The charges stem from a fatal road traffic accident that occurred on the Philip Goldson Highway on May ninth.  Estell, a naturalized Belizean, was driving a Honda Civic near mile nine when she knocked down thirty-one-year-old Gilbert Stephens Jr., a car washer of Lord’s Bank Village.  Stephens was riding a motorcycle when Estell crashed into him.  He succumbed to his injuries on May twenty-first.  In court today, Estell was arraigned on three counts.  No plea was taken from her and she was offered bail in the sum of five thousand dollars, plus one surety of the same.

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