HomeBelize DistrictSon Steals Jewelry for Mother, Both Charged

Son Steals Jewelry for Mother, Both Charged

Son Steals Jewelry for Mother, Both Charged

Today, a mother, son and a family friend were handed separate charges for an incident involving thousands of dollars in stolen jewelry. It is reported that on June seventh, eighteen-year-old Christian Denver Ramos robbed nineteen-year-old Eric Vernon at gunpoint in the Kings Park area of Belize City, making off with a variety of items including jewelry, an iPhone, and cash, summing up to two thousand, nine hundred and eighteen dollars in value. Ramos pleaded not guilty to robbery, however, his mother, Genevieve Coleman, and nineteen-year-old Elsworth Talbert pleaded guilty to handling stolen goods. Coleman told the court that she took the items to the pawn shop but didn’t know that they were stolen until afterwards. Coleman claims that she got the items from her son, Ramos, who reportedly told her that he found the items. When asked why she didn’t take the items to the police station since her son claimed he found them, she said quote, At the time I had no money and I needed to buy things for the kids because they were hungry, end quote. For their guilty pleas, Coleman and Talbert were imposed non-custodial sentences of fines of one thousand dollars each, plus a five-dollar cost of court which they both must pay. Coleman must pay her fines by December fifteenth, 2024, while Talbert must pay his fines by September fifteenth, 2024 in default both will spend one year imprisonment.

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