HomeBelize DistrictOscar Selgado Gets 10 Years in Jail; D.P.P. Pleased with Sentence

Oscar Selgado Gets 10 Years in Jail; D.P.P. Pleased with Sentence

Oscar Selgado Gets 10 Years in Jail; D.P.P. Pleased with Sentence

Disgraced attorney Oscar Selgado has been sentenced to ten years in prison after being convicted on March eighth of abetment to commit murder.  The punishment which was handed down by Justice Nigel Pilgrim in the High Court brings to an end a long-drawn out case against the well-known lawyer.  In court this afternoon, family and friends of Oscar Selgado listened intently to the reading of his sentence, as Justice Pilgrim thoroughly outlined how he arrived at the decade-long prison term.  Of note is that the trial judge reiterated the fact that Selgado has not shown remorse for the crime that he has committed.  In weighing the mitigating and aggravating factors, this was a consideration made by Justice Pilgrim in meting out justice.  Outside the courtroom, we spoke with the Director of Public Prosecutions who said that they are satisfied with the jail sentence that has been given to Selgado.


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

                         Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

Cheryl-Lynn Vidal, Director of Public Prosecutions

“Our courts dispensed justice, so I don’t think anybody was expecting injustice today. We are pleased with the sentence and I think that the decision was well reasoned.”



“He went above the precedent that’s been set, of six years.”


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“He’s not bound by the precedent. I think that we did cite cases to the court in our oral arguments which suggested that while that would be a consideration, it could not have resulted in what was being asked for by the other side.”



“Are you able to say anything in relation to as to whether a process is happening right now regarding going before the G.L.C. based on the outcome of this case.”


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“I can’t speak on G.L.C. matters.”



“What happens now, given that the appeal is in process?”


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“I believe it has been set for case management and then orders will be given in relation to the filing of submissions and then a date will be set for the hearing of the appeal. We think that the ultimate sentence is commensurate with the aggravating and mitigating factors in the case.”



“What can you say about the fact that the judge stated that there are no sacred cows.  This was a very serious offense but he did take into consideration his pro bono cases and how the public views him?”


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“In the sentencing process, the judge must look at the aggravating and mitigating factors of the offense, and also the aggravating and mitigating factors of the offender.  And so, the judge had to go through all of those factors and it was in fact a mitigating factor that up until this time, he was making a significant contribution to the criminal justice system.”

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