HomeBelize DistrictMan Dead, Another Critical After Shooting Near Police Substation

Man Dead, Another Critical After Shooting Near Police Substation

Man Dead, Another Critical After Shooting Near Police Substation

A deadly attack occurred on Sunday afternoon on Mahogany Street in Belize City and when it was over, a man was dead, and another sat critically wounded inside the vehicle they were traveling in. The incident happened on Mahogany Street in the Lake-I community, literally a stone’s throw away from a police substation. The passenger in the car, Stanley Moore, was dead before he was even taken to the K.H.M.H. Today, News Five’s Marion Ali spoke with his grieving mother, Jennifer Wade, who is currently in the United States. She posted an audio message on Facebook in which her deceased son said that policemen were allegedly out to get him. Here’s that report.


Marion Ali, Reporting

The peace of Sunday afternoon was broken on Mahogany Street, less than a block from the police sub-station, when gunshots rang out around four p.m. The two occupants of a grey BMW car came under fire. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams shares what he knows of the incident.


Chester Williams

                            Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“The two individuals were in the area yesterday in a vehicle and while there, they came under fire from an individual. We already know who that person is and we are looking for that individual. One person died as a result of that attack and one is critically ill in the hospital. We’re hoping and praying that the one who is in the hospital critically ill is going to pull through and he will be able to give us some more specifics in terms of that incident. But again, these are the things that we spoke about.”





Williams says that the area is constantly patrolled by police officers and that moments before the crime took place, they had passed that location. Regional Commander for Eastern Division, A.C.P Hilberto Romero identified the two victims and says that they have one of two suspects in custody.


Hilberto Romero

                                   Hilberto Romero

A.C.P Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division

“The two persons were identified as Stanley Moore and Joshua Gillett.  Stanley Moore was pronounced dead on arrival at the KHMH and Joshua Gillett received treatment and is now in a stable condition. We have one person in custody for this murder who will be charged later on today for the crime of murder. And we are seeking one more suspect.”





This afternoon, News Five spoke via phone with Stanley Moore’s mother, Jennifer Wade, who is currently in the U.S. She made a Facebook post including an audio clip she said her son sent her, accusing police officers of targeting him. Wade told us that she did not get a chance to ask him who those persons were.


Voice of: Jennifer Wade

                       Voice of: Jennifer Wade

Voice of: Jennifer Wade, Mother of Stanley Moore

“I never send a message till seven o’clock the morning when I get up and when I see the message, I pick up my phone and I send ah back wa voice clip clip saying, son, stay outta dehn way. Goh home if yoh have to go home make yoh nuh deh round the police dehn. Ih never have a phone, but I could not be tapped on because I’m a while here, straight up fi ask ah what really happened, nuh just tell me the police dehn deh after yoh, dehn di provoke yoh, weh nuh seh nothing, but I never get to talk to ah.”


What’s worse is that Moore’s older brother had just arrived in Belize just minutes before Moore was murdered and only found out about the crime when he went to look for him. Wade said that Moore had been trying to reform his life and had found a job to help himself. When we asked Romero about the accusation that Moore had made against the police, he said there was no information to share.





Britney Gordon

“In regards to Stanely Moore, his mother made some complaints that he was being harassed by police officer. Do you have any information about this?”


A.C.P Hilberto Romero

“I do not have that information.”


Britney Gordon

“She released a statement from him, an audio recording of him saying that if anything should happen to him the police are responsible. So there’s no information regarding if he had an incident with a police officer?”


A.C.P Hilberto Romero

“I do not know of such incident.”




Marion Ali for News Five.

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