HomeLatest NewsDOE Office in San Pedro Signals Change Coming to Island

DOE Office in San Pedro Signals Change Coming to Island

DOE Office in San Pedro Signals Change Coming to Island

The Department of the Environment is opening an office in San Pedro this Friday. The office opens avenues for development and change on Ambergris Caye, as the D.O.E. is responsible for managing natural resources, preserving and protecting the environment and controlling pollution. We asked the Minister of Blue Economy, Andre Perez, what this means for the island. Here is his response.



“The D.O.E. office recently opened up in San Pedro. As Area Rep, can you talk to me about what this means for the development of the island?”


Andre Perez

                              Andre Perez

Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy

 “Certainly I’m an excited person as the Area Rep and as it relates to the Department of Environment and Forestry, an extremely important department in San Pedro and Caye Caulker, officially to be open, I believe it’s the twenty-first, I did get the invitation. I’m very thankful to Minister Habet and his Ministry for that opening of the permanent office. I can tell you that they have been working. They are at their station and they have done some work doing inspections in different places there. It’s a win for Belize Rural South.”

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