U.D.P. Manifesto Explained By Council Candidates
Councilor candidates, Tyrone Louriano, Leon Guild and Samson Jacobs went into further details about the three pillars outlined in their manifesto. Louriano noted that financial relief through tax reforms will be a major part of their economic endeavors. Guild spoke to the plans his team has prepared to address environmental concerns in the city, while Jacobs spoke to how his municipal slate plans to ensure that there is equity in the distribution of resources across the city.

Tyrone Louriano
Tyrone Louriano, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Belize City
“The first one we want to talk about that people have been clamoring on the ground is some kind of financial relief. We plan to achieve this through our tax reform and tax relief program that we plan to implement upon taking office. Also people have been worrisome about our ability to maintain integrity so we are going to do a full financial audit of the council which will then allow us to continue a bi-annual report through public forums and so forth. We also want to create economic growth through job creation and what better way to do this than to create festive events that people can afford to access on a regular basis. I know they have talked about the downtown fair but we want to make it so that it is a little more accessible and sustainable. Can you imagine walking with me through downtown Belize like Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen or when we go to Chetumal we go to the downtown area of the park.”

Leon Gill
Leon Gill, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Belize City
“So we know that the mandate of the country, which is the streets drains and garbage, also public spaces like parks. So the streets, of course we want to continue the maintenance and upgrading the streets. When it comes to the drains we know that there is also a problem with flooding. Whenever the rainy season comes we have these inundations and it does a lot of damage. We have invested; past councils have invested in infrastructure to deal with the drainage. But all of these have failed us. So we are brining innovative ways to address the drainage situation affecting Belize City.”

Samson Jacobs
Samson Jacobs, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Belize City
“A council that shows equity, it shows the buy in of everybody, all stakeholders and whatever resources we have it will be able to be shared amongst everybody equally, regardless of the race, culture, religion, sex, whatever. So, the first one we want to look at is fostering partnership, and we will look at the government and non government agencies, to help them with implementing their programs across Belize City. The second one will be promoting awareness and educator. As an educator myself I believe there is a lot more we can do for our at risk youths so that they can be able to benefit from us.”
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