Family of Kidnapped Father & Son Releases Info
Tonight, we have a developing story that’s shaken the community of Louisville, Corozal which is located approximately twenty-five miles away from the Belize/Mexico border. Luis and Johan Camara, a father and son, were kidnapped in the Subteniente Lopez area of Chetumal, Quintana Roo on Tuesday. On Wednesday evening, Veronica Camara, Luis’ sister and Johan’s aunt, took to Facebook with a heartfelt video appeal, sharing details about the incident and pleading for any information that could help bring her loved ones home safely. Unfortunately, for her own safety, Veronica has since locked her account, making the video no longer accessible to the public. In her post, Veronica recounted how the kidnapping unfolded and urged anyone with information to come forward. The forty-eight-year-old father and his nineteen-year-old son were with another family member, Luis’ daughter and Johan’s sister, when they were taken. News Five’s Marion Ali visited Louisville today and spoke with villagers who are in shock over this unprecedented incident. Here’s her report.

Voice of: Veronica Camara
Voice of: Veronica Camara, Sister & Aunt of Kidnap Victims
“Upon reaching Susteniente, they were intercepted by armed men. Johan managed to reverse and drive past the parked vehicle. The assailants gave chase to my nephew and started to shoot after him. Johan managed to reach the spot where he was supposed to meet my brother, Luis Josue. But by then, the assailants managed to reach the spot too.”
Marion Ali, Reporting
In an emotional audio post on Facebook, Veronica Camara shared the harrowing details of what happened to her nephew, nineteen-year-old Johan Camara, a student at Instituto Tecnologico Maya. Johan was traveling with his sister in a pick-up truck in Chetumal to get some money for gas so he could make it to school. But things took a terrifying turn when they reached the Subteniente Lopez area. A group of men attacked Johan, and when his father, Luis Camara, tried to intervene, he was also forcibly taken. Veronica explained that Johan’s sister, who witnessed the whole ordeal, was able to seek help immediately.
Voice of: Veronica Camara
“Johan was forced out of his vehicle and forced to get in the assailant’s car at gunpoint. Upon seeing his son forced into the vehicle, my brother tried to stop them, but he was threatened and pushed into the vehicle with his son. The assailants then left, heading to the direction of Chetumal. A call was made to 9 11, but they did not show up to render help to my niece, who was left behind. It was then that we headed to the attorney general’s office in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, where they gave us prompt assistance in the missing person report and publish the notice of the missing persons.”
We spoke with two Louisville residents who are left stunned by the news of the kidnapping. One of them saw the father in the village just hours before he disappeared.

Arnaldo Chan
Arnaldo Chan, Louisville Resident
“What happened to him, this is not usual because we as neighbors of Chetumal, we always go and come right and we go and buy and it affect us in the way that we are now afraid.”
Voice of: Louisville Resident
“I saw him the day when he went missing, I saw him around 10 o’clock, right here in front of the polyclinic with the Chinese man, he went to buy, that was around 10, 10:30. He just wave his hand saying hello, just as if nothing was expected on that day.”
Luis Camara is described as always willing to assist in the village.
Voice of: Louisville Resident
“We know them from long, long time and they have been kidnapped. Proven community members that they could help. When there was need within the community village council, they were asked for assistance, and they never said no.”
Back in Louisville, the community is reeling with shock and fear. Neighbors and fellow villagers are calling the situation “unsettling,” and many are now worried about their own safety when crossing the border. So far, the family hasn’t received any updates from the Mexican authorities about where their loved ones might be. They’ve only been told that the search is ongoing. Veronica Camara is pleading with the public for any help they can offer.
Voice of: Veronica Camara
“Assist in circulating the missing person report of my brother and nephew. The people who know our family knows that we are hardworking, honest and humble people. We plead to the governor. Mara Lisama to continue to help our family, to bring back my brother and nephew alive and safe. We ask the Belizean government to reach out to help our family. Abolition family that need their assistance as citizens of Belize.”
Luis Camara is a truck driver and his son, Johan, has been studying agriculture for the past four years in Mexico. Marion Ali for News Five.
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