Toledo East Gets Ready for July 17th Bye-election
The People’s United Party has chosen Doctor Osmond Martinez as its standard bearer in Toledo East where he will face Dennis Williams of the United Democratic Party in an upcoming bye-election. The vote, restricted to that constituency only, will see a new area representative taking office ahead of general elections in 2025. While the prime minister has been reserved in a sharing a date for the bye-election, he told reporters this afternoon that it is now set for July seventeenth.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I’ve asked for the writ to be prepared and the date that I have set after consulting with the Elections & Boundaries Commission to see when they could get ready the voters list, I would want to have it as early as possible. The date is going to be July seventeenth, which is going to be on my birthday. So I’ll be working on that day in Toledo East.”
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