Unpacking the P.U.P.’s Manifesto on Crime Reduction
Just one month into the new year, Belizeans are gearing up for the 2025 elections. Although the official date hasn’t been announced, members of the People’s United Party (P.U.P.), including Prime Minister John Briceño, have hinted at an early date. As the P.U.P.’s current administration winds down, it’s a good time to reflect on the promises made in their Plan Belize Manifesto. Section three of the document focuses on improving citizen security through smart policing strategies and increasing the number of officers on the ground. News Five’s Britney Gordon takes a closer look at the Ministry of Home Affairs’ progress on these goals.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Back in October 2020, the People’s United Party unveiled Plan Belize under the theme, “Everybody Fi Win.” This manifesto laid out ambitious goals to boost the economy, enhance healthcare, and expand access to education by 2025. In the Safe Society section, they pledged to increase the Belize Police Department to four thousand officers—a target that hasn’t been met yet. However, Minister of Home Affairs Kareem Musa insists this doesn’t mean the party’s plan has failed.

Kareem Musa
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs (File: January 29, 2025)
“I don’t know, what you think, how much space you think we have at the Police Training Academy, but we can only facilitate two hundred and say twenty-five recruits.”
“But you made the pledge.”
Kareem Musa
“Yes. It’s over time. Have you heard that plan? Belize is a ten year plan. We’ve had the most recruitment than any other administration and I think our numbers are all the way up to two thousand six hundred going up with the next recruit intake that’s coming out in May. Every year we’ve had at least one, if not two squads coming out from our PTA..”
Musa explained that the Belize Police Department is more than halfway to reaching the goal of four thousand officers, which he expects to achieve around 2030. However, the manifesto on the Government’s Plan website clearly states the party’s aim to meet these targets by 2025. At the 2020 launch of the party manifesto, Leader of the Opposition John Briceno outlined the ambitious goals of the True Blu Plan.
John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition (File: Oct 22, 2020)
“We offer sensible solutions because we understand both the people and the problems. Indigenous and ingenious, this manifesto places the highest premium on radical social transformation. Belizeans must as a fundamental right have the chance at a wholesome education, a job at a livable wage, basic healthcare from cradle to grave and a life unthreatened by violence and crime.”
Musa pointed out that one of the biggest challenges in recruiting new officers is the limited space at the Police Training Academy. Despite this, in April 2024, the Belize police force welcomed two hundred and thirty-one new officers—the largest recruit squad in the country’s history. The manifesto also promised to dismantle the Gang Suppression Unit (GSU), demilitarize the police, and introduce more effective measures to tackle gang activity. This promise was fulfilled in 2021 with the creation of the Gang Intelligence, Investigation, and Interdiction Unit, GI3. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams explained the differences between these units.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police (File: Jan 4, 2021)
“That unit will be tasked primarily with ensuring that the gangs across the city and even those across the country are investigated from an intelligence standpoint. But in the new unit, we have an intelligence cell, we have an investigative arm and an operational arm. And so, the intelligence cell goes out and gathers the intelligence on these gangs, the investigative cell investigates the gang with a view to ensure that we charge gang members for the gang-related offences under the Crime Control and Criminal Justice Act. And the interdiction or the operation arm is out there in the face of the gangs on a daily basis ensuring that they do not get the opportunity to commit the crime that they may wish to commit.”
The government also pledged to improve the police department’s image by providing better training, merit-based recruitment and promotions, police reform and revising the pay scale. In January, an officer shot an escaped detainee while trying to bring him back into custody. Police Commissioner Chester Williams admitted there were mistakes in handling the situation and emphasized the need for more comprehensive training.
Chester Williams (File: January 3, 2025)
“ I had discussed this matter on Friday when I met with the media in terms of the inadequacy of training as well as equipment used by the police in these instances. I wish that, yes, we have the relevant tools and we had a lengthy discussion about this matter in our conference this morning. And the commanders were asked to speak openly about it and to give their opinion so that we know what we need to do going forward in addressing issues like this.”
While not all the Safe Society goals have been met, the Belize Police Department has ramped up efforts to reduce the country’s murder rate in recent years. In 2023, Belize recorded its lowest murder rate since 2005. Although the number rose slightly in 2024, it still stayed below one hundred deaths. The manifesto linked Belize’s high crime rate to its high poverty rate, promising to address both issues together. Britney Gordon for News Five.
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