Tracy Taegar-Panton Says the Business of the U.D.P. Must Continue
The ruckus between the two sides saw supporter for Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Ian Jones, who occupied one of the offices on the lower flat, leave momentarily and return. He told the media that the locks for which he had keys were removed, but Lake I Standard Bearer, Cecil Jenkins, who was at the office when the crowd went there. We hear from both men and then from Panton on how she wishes the dispute to be resolved.

Cecil Jenkins
Cecil Jenkins, Standard Bearer, Lake I, U.D.P.
“I personally opened this door that wasn’t locked to leave myself out, to let myself out. It wasn’t locked. It was open. You could have just turned the latch and it’s open.”

Ian Jones
Ian Jones, Supporter, Moses “Shyne Barrow
“If I have the only key for the lock, how did they get in? (Ruckus)”

Tracy Taegar-Panton
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“Sixty-six percent of our delegates is an overwhelming mandate and they have spoken. We are not trying to oust him out of the party, we are not trying to eject him from the party. There is a new party leader. I will take up the mandate and I will lead the mandate of the people. He is free to run in Mesop as a standard bearer for the United Democratic Party in Mesop.”
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