Shyne on U.D.P. Support, “There’s a consistent pattern of support.”
The U.D.P. Party Leader mentioned that many of the standard bearers are backing his leadership, even though the Alliance for Democracy has been critical. He pointed out that the upcoming event on October twentieth is pretty much like what happens when the People’s United Party or politician Wil Maheia organizes a convention.

Shyne Barrow
Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
“We’ve had at least three recent instances where there’s a consistent demonstration of support by the majority of the standard bearers. There was the meeting in Orange Walk, where we met at the ranch in Orange Walk South with German Tillett and there were about fifteen standard bearers there. We had the fifty-first anniversary and fifteen, including the deputy party leader, an elected member of the house. We had the fifty-first anniversary again, Hugo Patt, fifteen standard bearers. We had the letter that was signed when we were trying to do mediation, seventeen standard bearers, and we had this National Party Council which, according to my opponents, is the highest authority and they had so much reverence for the National Party Council when it suits them. There’s a consistent pattern of support. So I have no doubt that those seventeen standard bearers and their delegates would not participate in anything that has nothing to do with the UDP. What is happening on October twentieth is similar to a PUP convention or a Wil Maheia convention. That has nothing to do with the United Democratic Party.”
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