Rotary Gives Out 21 Secondary Scholarships
Since 2019, the Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise has been assisting needy teenagers with secondary scholarships. Today, the organization did just that for the upcoming school year with the handing out of scholarships to twenty-one adolescents who are either entering high school or returning to complete their secondary education. News Five’s Marion Ali was at the Best Western Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel for the brief ceremony and filed this report.
Marion Ali, Reporting
Twenty-one teenagers who will later on be a part of Belize’s workforce today secured the chance to begin their studies towards that goal when they received scholarships from the Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise. President of the club, Dinesh Bhojwani said the selection process was based on two criteria.

Dinesh Bhojwani
Dinesh Bhojwani, President, Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise
“One is financial need, and the other one, and most importantly, is the academic excellence. So, we look at merit, we look at, um, as I had mentioned earlier, the, for the primary students, it’s eighty percent and for high school students, it’s a three-point zero G.P.A. And in order to stay in the program, you generally, we ask that you maintain that G.P.A., or that eighty percent throughout the entire program for you to be able to be eligible because the idea of the program is not just a one-time thing, it’s the idea is to see them through the entire high school, their entire high school career.”
The three students we spoke with all applied because they have goals.

Jahniyah Ferguson
Jahniyah Ferguson, Scholarship Recipient
“I wanted to help my parents save money. And so, I feel like this thing will help me upgrade my education in different ways.”

Alina Blair
Alina Blair, Scholarship Recipient
“I ended up applying for the scholarship to get the opportunity because it really helps when you have opportunities like this in high school.”

Gabriela Ranguy
Gabriela Ranguy, Scholarship Recipient
“I love my education and I think it would help better for me.”
Bhojwani says the Rotary offers an additional program to support students who might fall behind the required average. Counseling and tutoring are also offered for those who need that kind of help.
Dinesh Bhojwani
“It’s not just the financial support, but there’s counseling if needed. We speak to them. There’s tutoring if necessary. So the idea behind [it] is before they get off – before they get to the next year, we kind of monitor them a little bit to see – well, we don’t, the school does. And then we are able to then say, you know, they’re kind of moving off the path of – and we bring them back in -so counseling, tutoring, all of that stuff is part of the process.”
Marion Ali for News Five.
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