PUC Limits Starlink to Emergencies and Underserved Areas in Belize
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has restricted Starlink Belize operations to specific circumstances after denying its application for a Class License to provide fixed and mobile broadband internet across the country. Starlink services will only be allowed in unserved or underserved areas, on vessels and aircraft under Earth Station in-Motion (ESIM) regulations, and during natural disasters when other providers cannot deliver emergency services. Sheena Garnett, the Communications Director at PUC, provided an explanation behind the commission’s decision.

Sheena Garnett
Sheena Garnett, Communication Manager, PUC
“Let us break it down a little bit. The current telecommunication regulation allows for mobile internet services onboard aircraft and vessels. Because that is already something allowed, it continues. However, it is the end users we are allowing to import and operate these types of Starlink services. SBL’s application is unique because it is looking to provide satellite-based service in the country. We believe those services can be beneficial for education, research, and these types of things in the unserved and underserved areas. We are going to allow end users to operate their Starlink terminals at these fixed locations that are currently in these parts of the country where there is no service or underserved areas where existing internet providers are unable to provide that service.”
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