Policeman Remanded for Assaulting Olympian Shaun Gill
Tonight, a police officer accused of assaulting Olympian Shaun Gill last week is currently on remand at Belize Central Prison. His bail application is expected to be heard as early as Friday, October fourth, 2024. Earlier today, PC Lewis Pascascio, who resides on Gabourel Lane, Belize City, appeared in court at around ten a.m. with his attorney, Emérita Anderson. He faced two criminal charges: aggravated assault with a firearm and one count of threatening words. However, before the charges were read, the police prosecutor withdrew the charge of threatening words, citing procedural issues. This left Pascascio to answer only the aggravated assault charge. Shaun Gill alleges that PC Pascascio threatened him, saying, “if you make a report against me, that will be the last report you ever make”. In Courtroom #1, before the Chief Magistrate, Pascascio was formally charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, specifically a firearm, against Shaun Gill. He pleaded not guilty. Due to the severity of the offense, bail was denied, and Pascascio was remanded to Belize Central Prison until November 30, 2024.

Hilberto Romero
ACP Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division
“Shaun Gill reported on Thursday, the twenty-sixth of September, 2024. He was driving his vehicle along with a female on Cemetery Road. When he was intercepted by another vehicle who blocked his way. Thereafter Shaun Gill made checks to see what was happening. At this point, he was assaulted by a male person. who with a firearm. Thereafter to another police who was in the area intervening, the firearm was taken away from this male person. An investigation was carried out. And we have since arrested a child named Pascasio, a police officer of the crime of aggravating assault. He was taken to court this morning.”
“Dis he also threaten Shaun Gill when he went to make a report?”
Hilberto Romero
“There were both at the station at the time of an exchange of words. That is also being dealt with.”
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“You can’t compare the issue with Makin and the one with Pascasio. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Sargeant Makin was responding to a complaint from two miners who had complained to him. of being assaulted by a group of people. Pascasio incident, he was not working. He was responding to his feeling of jealousy. How could you compare the two? We have to be fair. And call things from what they are. And not try to twist our story. Doesn’t make sense..”
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