Police Seek Additional Suspect in Clint Castillo Murder
Police are still seeking one suspect in connection with the Saturday night murder of Clint Castillo in Cotton Tree Village. As we have reported, twenty-two-year-old Jamal Hyde was charged with two counts of abetment to commit murder. The second suspect is in hiding and authorities are working to find him. ComPol Williams gave reporters an update on that search.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We are still looking for the person who is the suspect in that matter. We receive tips occasionally on his whereabouts. But to every time we respond he is not found. I had personally gone to the mother to ask if she would be able to assist in locating her son. She has pledged that she is going to do her best to do so. But in the meantime we continue our efforts to try and locate him. He is now on our five most wanted list. So you would know that he is of great priority to us.”
“Is it gang related?”
Chester Williams
“It is not gang related. They are a group that hangs together. They are all friends. Apparently there was an argument that started between them and that led to the young man Hyde, that was charged, handing a weapon to the alleged murdered and the alleged murderer carried out the act. So it is not a matter of them being gang members. They are employed people and they had some argument between themselves.”
“Is it a personal disappointment for you that this is the first time Cotton Tree has been under an SOE and right under the SOE there is a murder.”
Chester Williams
“Again, we have to understand that SOEs are not designed to stop every crime from happening. If you have an SOE and a wife and husband has an issue at home and one kill the other, how do you expect the SOE is going to stop that? The objective of the SOE is to go after the persons who are known to give problems in the area continuously. It is not just to look at somebody and say oh he looks like he has a gun and pick them up and lock them up. If we were to do that then you would be the first one to prance on the police and say we ware just picking up people. These are people who are employed together, they are friends, They were at a yard hanging out ,enjoying themselves and an argument started. How do you expect police to stop that? To say that it is different than a wife and husband it is not different. There are certain things that will happen outside of the preventative measures of the police and when it happens you have to make sure we find a way to deal with it, as simple as that.”
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