Police Dept. Weighs in on Rules for Carnival Route
We also got input from Commissioner of Police Chester Williams on the regulations outlined by the Belize City Council for the new carnival route. ComPol Williams repeated that vehicles obstructing the carnival route will be towed and vendors along the route will be removed. He says the police department has enough personnel to ensure a safe carnival weekend.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“The police have a job to do and we try as best as we can to discharge our duties without any complaint and work around whatever obstacles that may arise. And so the September celebrations committee, which is chaired by the honorable Minister of Education have decided on a route for the carnival and the police are going to follow that route. We have done our groundworks in terms of running the route and to see what challenge or challenges that we may have on carnival day to be able to ensure that the carnival moves from its starting point to where it is going to come to an end without any hindrance. And so, we believe that we will be able to police the event without any incident. Police officers will be along the route, so we’re not going to depend on city traffic. Yes, if they are there to assist we welcome assistance. But we do have the manpower to ensure that we cover the entire route of the carnival. And as well as to have police officers who are going to accompany the carnival to make sure that it’s safe and no incident occurred during the carnival itself.”
Paul Lopez
“Will you guys be out there removing vendors if they decide to sell along the way?”
Chester Williams
“Well, certainly the vendors cannot sell on the street. If they’re parked, if they’re on the, not the sidewalk, but if they’re parked on the edge of the street without hindering the sidewalk, they can stay there. But no vending will be allowed on the sidewalk or the streets. The day before the carnival, the police will run the road with our tow truck. And any vehicles seen parked along the road, on the road, the owners will be asked to move it. If they don’t move it, or if we cannot find an owner, then we’ll tow it away.”
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