PM Briceño Recommends Temporary Auditor General
The Auditor General position has been vacant for six weeks, and today the government recommended Deputy Auditor General Maria Rodriquez to temporarily fill the role for the next four months. Prime Minister Briceño stated that during this time, the government will search for a qualified candidate to permanently take over the post. He also mentioned that G.O.B. is collaborating with the I.M.F. to strengthen the office’s functions.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“As we are all aware the auditor general’s previous one was already retired, and we had to bring her back in and her time had come to an end and so we need to bring her back to point another one. As the resolution states, the governor general acting with recommendation from both houses, we need both houses to be able to help us with this one. I want to be clear that the notice went out for a qualified person to fill the post, and we hope that this process will be completed by the end of the year. I know a lot of people get excited about it, but we are trying to do our very best to get a qualified person. Even within the office of the auditor general there are challenges as to who best can fit this post. So, we believe the best way to do that is to advertise it and the persons in the office can apply for that post. It is going to be an open and transparent post. We have no hidden agenda. We have agreed and this is one area we have to strengthen. We are working with the IMF to find ways how we can strengthen the office of the auditor general and also to bring up all our accounts up to date.”
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