P.U.P. Rejects Cyril Uruwei’s Candidacy in Dangriga
The People’s United Party has written to Cyril Garcia rejecting his application to run against Dangriga Area Representative, Doctor Louis Zabaneh in a convention to elect a new standard bearer for that constituency. On Friday, Garcia, who also goes by the name Cyril Uruwei, received a letter from Secretary General Linsford Castillo informing him that, quote, after careful review and deliberation, the decision was made not to approve your application. Instead, you are asked to support an endorsement of the incumbent at a convention which will be scheduled on a date and at a time and venue to be announced, end quote. News Five spoke with Garcia at Independence Hall following the submission of his application on May twenty-fourth. Here’s what he had to say about the sitting area rep and his belief that there is a faction within the P.U.P. that was working against him.

Cyril “Uruwei” Garcia
Cyril “Uruwei” Garcia, Political Aspirant, P.U.P.
“I go around, I move around, I ask people, I always ask, how yoh feel about Dangriga? How yoh feel about the current area rep? And we don’t get no good news about the current area rep Louis Zabaneh and he has two Ph.D.’s, he’s written a book and what’s coming out of the people’s mouths is that he’s not at their level. He appears to be all the way up there and we are the ones crawling on the ground. There’s a few, there’s a handful in the executive in the PUP party who have prematurely endorsed Louis Zabaneh. That is not democracy, it’s premature. We don’t accept it, we reject it and we want a fair chance. We want the people of Dangriga to choose who will represent them, who will talk for them, who will go and ask on their behalf, right. So that’s all we ask, a fair convention. I want to appeal to PM Briceño, you put out a statement stating that anyone can apply within the thirty-one constituencies. Here I am applying and I am appealing to PM Briceno to practice democracy. Be a man of your word. This is your opportunity to show Dangriga that you are a man of your word, that you are honest, you’re truthful and you’re gonna give us a convention. As a matter of fact, we’re demanding a convention.”
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