P.S.U. Calls for Removal of Auditor General
During Friday’s protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in Belmopan, the President of the Public Service Union, Dean Flowers called for the removal of the auditor general. He contends that an audit of the Department of Lands and the procurement process within the Ministry of Health and Wellness are long overdue.

Dean Flowers
Dean Flowers, President, P.S.U.
“I have said to this nation, the Auditor General Ms. Dorothy Bradley must go. We have been asking since 2010 for an audit of the lands department. We can’t get that audit which was done by officers in the audit department. We would have been able to uncover by successive governments the corruption that has been occurring in the lands department from king hatchet was a hammer. Yet this administration refuse to commission and audit of the lands department and Dorothy Bradley refuse to do it. And I am saying to all our partners, the U.S. Embassy, the British, all of them I understand supported her reinstallation. She needs to go. She is doing the people of Belize a disservice and I am calling on the prime minister if unu serious, commission and audit of the lands department. Commission an audit of procurement in the ministry of health. We need an audit of procurement in the ministry of health. We need an audit to understand how the money the spend in health. These are the ministries with the biggest budgets.”
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