Opposition Says Disabilities Bill is an “Ambitious Piece of Legislation”
Lead Opposition Senator, Michael Peyrefitte rose to support the Disabilities Bill. He referred to it as ambitious, noting that it will require significant infrastructure development. And of course, Church Senator Bishop Moses Benguche responded to Senator Courtenay’s comments on a future Equal Opportunities Bill.

Michael Peyrefitte
Michael Peyrefitte, Lead U.D.P. Senator
“It is very much so an ambitious piece of legislation and maybe the minister of state for finance ran out of the room for purpose, because I hope they have a plan to pay for it. The things they have in place are very ambitious and within the time frame. I think section thirty-four speaks to making sure that all public spaces, public offices will be equipped to deal with people with disabilities within twelve months. You are talking about making sure that students who have a disability are placed in rooms with fewer students. It will require and infrastructure investment.”

Moses Benguche
Bishop Moses Benguche, Church Senator
“While I hear what the leader for government business has said in so far as the Equal Opportunities Bill, I just want to indicate and I think it is important that I indicate as the senator representing the church that it is important that we be consulted when that bill comes to the senate. I say that with utter seriousness because as I indicated that would not want to feel like the church is being left out in some of these things.”
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