National Jerseys For 2024 CODICADER Athletes
We are eight days away from the start of the 2024 CODICADER Games in El Salvador. Belize is sending athletes to compete in five sporting disciplines. These are high school aged athletes that are expected to go up against their counterparts from five Central American countries. Today, the Ministry of Sports and the National Sports Council held a ceremony at the Marion Jones Sporting Complex to hand over jerseys to the athletes. News Five’s Paul Lopez reports.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
Belize is preparing to send a total of one hundred and sixty-five high school athletes, coaches and chaperones to the 2024 CODICADER Games in El Salvador. The games officially begin on October second. Today, the Ministry of Sports through National Sports Council handed over Belize jerseys to the athletes that will be competing.

Gilroy Usher
Gilroy Usher, Minister of State, Ministry of Sports
“First I will begin by saying congratulations to the members of the 2024 CODICADER team who will be receiving their official jersey this morning. Many thanks to the Ministry of Sports through the National Sports Council for its assistance in making the jersey possible as well as all others whose contributions have been this a reality this morning.”
Belize will be competing in five disciplines, football, basketball, volleyball, judo and track and field.

Iris Centeno
Iris Centeno, Director, National Sports Council
“I can recall when he had that meeting with NSSSA, they talked about how demanding the challenges or how challenges come along for them when they have to represent the different sports. They let the deputy and myself know how much they need the assistance. We know, we are athletes, so we know the demands and wanted to give that support. So, this morning we just want to present these jerseys.”
Belize hosted the games in 2023 at a cost of two hundred thousand dollars. This time around, fifty thousand dollars is being invested in the Belize delegation to compete in El Salvador. Minister of Sports, Rodwell Ferguson will be travelling with the delegation as a special invited guest to the games.

Rodwell Ferguson
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Sports
“Because we have to make sure we provide for the athletes. Like what Marvin said, we have to make sure that everybody is register and to register one athlete it is sixty dollars U.S. and if you multiply that by one sixty-seven it is over ten thousand U.S. dollars just for registration. We have to buy uniforms and gears for the young people as they travel. It is under-eighteen sports starting the second of October, 2024.”
Paul Lopez
“For you, what do you hope to get from your attendance at these games?”
Rodwell Ferguson
“Well, it is only symbolic, they request that the minister of the different countries attend at least the opening ceremony. So, I will be there at least for the opening ceremony and then I will return back to go to another activity. But, it is symbolic thing for the country of Belize that the minister of sports is there.”
The jerseys were handed over to the coaches and chaperones as the athletes were at school during this time of the day. But assurances were given that they are prepared to compete and represent Belize well. They are scheduled to begin their travels on Monday.

Marvin Ottley
Marvin Ottley, Deputy Director, National Sports Council
“Gwen Lizzaraga High School, Saint Catherine Academy, Kings College, I don’t see anyone from SJC but these are the representing schools from the immediate Belize District. Then we also have the schools outside of Belize district. This one was a bit fast but we believe that from the National Sports Council that it was important to do a presentation from Minister Ferguson, minister Usher, the Director of Sports, the chairman of the board, the board of directors of the NSC. We believe we could have invested a bit more in the athletes by providing the jersey, the alternate jersey for all the team sports and also the polo shirts which is called the walk arounds and also the sweat suits, the travelling sweats.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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