N.T.U.C.B. President Chides 2018 Belmopan City Council and Area Rep
During today’s interviews with union representatives at the demonstration in Belmopan, N.T.U.C.B. President Luke Martinez sought to put the Belmopan land acquisition into perspective. In this light, he pointed back to the U.D.P. administration that was heading the municipality when the fifteen acres were sold to the Asian couple back in 2018.

Luke Martinez
Luke Martinez, President, N.T.U.C.B.
“The man weh sell out Belmopan, that man cant even come out of his hole that he went to build, can’t even come out. Listen, talk about vex, vex with dah bally deh. Dah bally deh give weh fih we.Which bally dah, he nuh weh ih deh the hide in a hole, he and John Saldivar, every single piece of green space, sell out everything f**king thing for free.”

Moses “Shyne” Barrow
Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
“But the People’s United Party did not get elected to continue in the way of past transgressions. That is not what the P.U.P. got elected for. We cannot justify current transgressions by bringing up past transgressions. The people of this country voted out the U.D.P. for all of these crimes that you are now brining up and they will vote out this government if they don’t correct these actions. So, the people are not out here for now U.D.P. or P.U.P. The people are out here for what is right for the Belizean people. And, this is absolutely wrong.”
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