MSME Roadshow Concluded in Belize City
Today, the annual national M.S.M.E. roadshow wrapped its second day of activities in Belize City. The event was launched in 2023 by the Office of the Prime Minister in partnership with the Economic Development Council and BELTRAIDE to provide support for micro, small, and medium enterprises. Monique Usher, Deputy Executive Director, of BELTRAIDE provided us with more details on the event.

Monique Usher
Monique Usher, Deputy Executive Director, BELTRAIDE
“Today is the day two, which we consider the formalization clinic. So we did have a lot of the agencies that businesses would need to participate in the formalization step in attendance today.”
Britney Gordon
“And what will we see tomorrow?”
Monique Usher
“Tomorrow we have the Buy Belizean Expo, which we’re doing in partnership with the Belize City Council. So we’re joining their super sale. And so for the day three of the MSME Roadshow, we typically have an expo. And so tomorrow we have the participating businesses that had attended the bootcamp showcasing their different products and services to the public.”
Britney Gordon
“And what is the benefit for companies to come and participate in something like this? What do they have to gain?”
Monique Usher
“We offer capacity building in day one. They also have the opportunity to work with a business advisor from BELTRAIDE to assist them in their business, whether it’s looking at starting, improving, or expanding their operation. There’s also an opportunity to network amongst other MSMEs, and important also is for them to connect with some of the agencies, such as the Belize Companies Registry, to assist them with registering their business name and other, you know, formalization steps.
Britney Gordon
“And you said that this has been going on since June. When will it conclude the entire event?”
Monique Usher
“The Belize City is the final stop for the MSME Roadshow. However, we do have a signature event in November, which is the National Entrepreneurship Convention, which we dub as ENTRECON. And it’s a signature event for BELTRAIDE. It closes off all the activities that we have for the year. This year we do have a unique addition to it, which is the Glaze Award. Gala. So we’re very excited, you know, to be able to spearhead these activities.”
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