Mayor Wagner Supports Franchises, Sees Economic Boost for Belize
With the recent debut of the iconic New York pizza chain Sbarro in Belize City, Mayor Bernard Wagner has expressed his support for introducing more international franchises, such as Starbucks, to the Belizean market. While some fear these additions could harm local businesses, Wagner believes they offer more choices for consumers and create opportunities for economic growth. According to the mayor, Belize has space for both local and international brands to thrive.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Mayor of Belize City
“Having a franchise doesn’t mean that it’ll be a International owner. A franchise doesn’t mean that the business establishment will be owned by international. I t means that a local person goes and apply for a franchise and that franchise in the United States or wherever comes in and give them the sort of assistance in terms of how they go about getting their brand on their business. But there’s no way that you will say that listen a franchise is coming in its own by foreigners. A franchise most of the franchises I know are run by locals, but I am a I enjoy all the local coffees. I’m a coffee drinker. And I just believe that there are other options available. We need to get out of this state of where we just want to hold on. We need to give our people options.”
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