George Price Centre Hosts House Meeting Friday
Since the National Assembly Building was constructed in 1971, it has been the venue of the country’s parliamentary proceedings. But as the country grew over those years, so did the constituencies, which means that there are spacing issues. Aside from that, the building was in dire need of repairs. And the Government of Taiwan came through and provided the funding for the upgrade of the historic building. So, for the next twelve months, all House Meetings will be held at the George Price Center, while the necessary works are being carried out. Today, Speaker of the House, Valerie Woods called the media to the center to show us seating arrangements and how the temporary venue has been outfitted to carry out the proceedings. News Five’s Marion Ali reports.
Marion Ali, Reporting
It was fifty-three years ago that this historic landmark, the National Assembly Building, was opened to conduct the people’s business. Now it has grown out of space and needs an urgent upgrade that will allow for the country’s most important business to be carried out there for at least a few more years.

Valerie Woods
Valerie Woods, Speaker of the House
“The National Assembly on Independence Hill was built and constructed and inaugurated in 1970. So we’re looking at 50 plus years without any major renovations. In addition to that, we’re looking at a national assembly legislature that has grown from when it was first inaugurated.”
Speaker of the House, Valerie Woods, says that the upgrade must include retrofitting that takes everyone’s needs into account.
Valerie Woods
“Not too long ago, there was a passage of the disabilities bill, which was made into law. And that was a very clear and glaring example that our legislature, even though it speaks to the House of Representatives, and it is the People’s House of Representatives, is simply not accessible. It’s not accessible by members of the public who have mobility issues, and quite frankly by members of Parliament, as well as staff who may have mobility issues, and media as well. So, that was also an urgent need to do that. It fosters inclusion as well.”
Over the next twelve months, the National Assembly Building will undergo major transformation to make it contemporary and necessary repairs to a leaky roof that deteriorated over time. But to get the work done, a temporary venue had to be identified where House Meetings can be held. Woods says the George Price Center for Peace and Development is that building. Even that venue had to be prepared to specificity for the business at hand.
Valerie Woods
“We worked with the board of the George Price. um, Center for Peace and Development and, uh, thanks to their accommodation and to the really the excellent work of the engineers, architects over at the, uh, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and Housing, we are now able to hold a house meeting that will, a house, and of course, Senate meetings afterwards, that will be in a chamber that replicates that of the legislature, is functional, As for our Standing Orders.”
The only drawback to the current venue is that the space does not allow for a public gallery inside the building. So come Friday, when the first House Meeting will be held at the George Price Center, there will be no audience in attendance.
Valerie Woods
“The only option, quite frankly, to have persons present for the public gallery would be housing them under a tent outside with a big screen, but we’re, we’re taking this on a case-by-case basis. The House meeting tomorrow is our first real test run. We think we’ve done everything in the planning. We started as early as May. And with the, with the teamwork of the staff here, got it ready. And we think we’ve managed our anticipated glitches. But tomorrow will be our first test.”
The media has been assigned to a small seating area with chairs to carry the meetings live. When the renovated National Assembly Building is complete within the next year, it should have a more modern look, with improved acoustics and an overall improved working environment and accessibility for all. Marion Ali for News Five.
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