G.O.B. and N.G.O.s to Form Task Force to Review Amendments to PACT Act
About a month ago, the Association of Protected Areas Management Organization (APAMO) called for a meeting with the prime minister to seek his intervention, following amendments to the National Protected Areas Systems Act and the PACT Act. APAMO felt that a proper consultative process was not followed. The P.M. met with the N.G.O. on Monday during which both sides established a working group comprising of representatives from both the government and conservation non-governmental organizations. The body will spearhead the revision of the National Protected Areas Systems Act and the Protected Areas Conservation Trust Act. APAMO’s Vice Chair, Amanda Acosta told News Five that there is still a clear definitive course to be charted moving forward.

Amanda Acosta
Amanda Acosta, Vice Chair, APAMO
“The task force does not have a terms of reference yet. It is anticipated that at the first meeting we will have that conversation as to what exactly will be the deliverables. Um, there, for instance, pact, um, there were more things that could have been added to amendments within the act and they were not mentioned. Um, however, we have been given the kind of green light to have these conversations now. The timeline is actually very short. It’s three months. That’s what the prime minister has indicated to us.”
Isani Cayetano
“What has been, perhaps, the reception of the membership of APAMO, now that there has been, um, with the Prime Minister to address some of these concerns that were raised recently?”
Amanda Acosta
“So, I think we are cautiously optimistic. I think we have gotten the audience that we were desiring and the government has extended it actually because if we look at their press release, they have also invited the Marine Protected Areas Network to be a part of the working group, task force, sorry. As well as BNN, but specifically an environmental NGO. So, we have, um, gotten to a point where I think we can be at the table. However, internally we will still have to have internal communications to make sure the correct message from the membership of those entities is, um, highlighted at the task force level.”
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