Dr. Leroy Almendarez on Being S.S.B.’s New C.E.O.
On Thursday night, we told you who the new chief executive officer of the Social Security Board will be. That person is Doctor Leroy Almendarez, who is leaving his position as executive director of BELTRAIDE to head the S.S.B. He replaces Deborah Ruiz who decided not to renew her contract. Doctor Almendarez is expected to officially take up the post on August nineteenth. Today at the annual, S.S.B. Connect Forum, Doctor Almendarez spoke to the press.

Deborah Ruiz
Deborah Ruiz, C.E.O., S.S.B.
“When I submitted my notice that I did not intend to renew the board former search committee an open advertisement was made, and we had several persons respond. So we had a short list and we had interviews being done. So he was selected through an interview process on the recommendation of the committee table to the board and a discussion. Had on the recommendation was supported. So we have an incoming C.E.O. in the person of Doctor Leroy Almendarez we also have a deputy C.E.O. coming in the person of mister Jerome Palma.”

Leroy Almendarez
Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Incoming C.E.O., S.S.B.
“In terms of transition, I must say that understanding the role that social security is supposed to play in our society. The United Nations really basically said it’s a human right when it comes to social protection, when it comes to creation of employment and skill building and those kind of things, and the fact that you should be able to participate. So for me, it’s really moving into a situation where I think I have an understanding, but it’s until you enter the organization, then you get a full understanding. But for me, like I said, one of the major things where it’s concerned, S.S.B. is concerned, is the fact that it’s contributors money. It’s employees, it’s employers and employees money. If you work for yourself, it makes it even more challenging. And so the security of that fund The fact that the fund must continue to grow.”
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