DPP Determines Guzman’s Chopping Death was Self Defense
Last Thursday, sixty-one-year-old Ubaldo Guzman was chopped to death at his home in Santa Elena Town. He was killed after a dispute with his drinking partner Peter August. August claimed that he acted out of self-defense, however, this has left family members and friends of Guzman confused as they knew him to have an injured hand. August was subsequently charged with manslaughter. We asked Commissioner of Police Chester Williams for some insight into August’s charge.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I will not go into specifics, but I can say to you that When it comes to a person who has caused the death of another person by unlawful harm, where that person raises the defense of self defense. The police cannot on our own charge. The criminal code dictates that we must send that decision to the DPP office for directives. And in this case, they accuse person raise his self-defense that he was attacked first by Guzman with a match and he was trapped. And he do have a chap wound. And he defended himself, leading to Guzman’s death. Now this is a situation where two persons are in a house. There are no independent witnesses to contradict what the accused killer is saying. And the DPP office would be guided by the evidence before them. In arriving at the decision as to whether to charge for murder or manslaughter. And in this particular case, they opted to charge for manslaughter based on the statement given by the accused killer. And so the police just simply carried out the instructions as given by the DPP office.”
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